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  2. 240 Tutoring Guarantee

What is the 240 Tutoring Guarantee?

If you score 90% or higher on a practice test but still do not pass your certification exam, you are eligible for a refund of up to two months of your subscription.

We are confident that you will pass your teacher certification exams using our Study Guides, which is why we created the 240 Tutoring Guarantee. It is our commitment to you!

Here’s how our Guarantee works:

  1. Score at least 90% on one of our practice tests.
  2. Take your certification exam within 30 days after your subscription ends.
  3. Send us your official score report within three months of your failed exam attempt.

If you qualify, we will happily refund you up to two months of your subscription payments.

After receiving a refund, all progress and reports associated with that study guide will be permanently deleted. This means that your progress cannot be recovered. However, you have the option to re-enroll in the study guide if you would like to start your studies over again.

If you’d like to request a refund under our 240 Guarantee, please feel free to contact our Customer Care team at helpdesk@240tutoring.com. We are here to support you!