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How do the study guides work?

Study guide contain videos, flashcards, dynamic quizzes and 3 timed practice test attempts

Great question! Our study guides are super easy to use.

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We recommend starting with our Plan to Pass. This untimed diagnostic test is designed to create a personalized study plan so you know exactly what to study to pass your exam. This plan will help structure your studies and focus your preparation.

Next users must complete the instructional content, flashcards, and Quiz 1 in each section to access the first timed practice test. 

Users must pass a dynamic quiz for each concept to proceed to the next concept.

After you have completed Quiz 3, you will unlock unlimited access to the entire bank of quiz questions we offer under the "More Practice" section in that concept

If you pass any Practice Test attempt with a 90%, but fail your actual exam you may qualify for the 240 Tutoring Guarantee.